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The Armstrong Global Brand

Armstrong seeks to be the best global thermal utility solutions provider. Achieving this vision requires that we all remain solidly aligned to our company’s core beliefs, and that we uphold the global consistency of our culture and brand. By creating enjoyable experiences for our customers, partners and each other, we continue to distinguish Armstrong International with everything we do.

Strategy Pipeline

Strategy Pipeline

Sage Brand Position

One of our greatest strengths is the wealth of knowledge, experience and insight we have derived from more than a century of providing thermal utility system solutions for satisfied customers all over the world.

Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge Not Shared Is Energy Wasted®. Share our in-depth knowledge and expertise to help customers make the smartest possible decisions for their companies.

Thermal System Solutions Focus

Apply a holistic approach that considers the customer’s entire thermal utility system to better identify the root cause of current or potential problems.

Strategy Pipeline

Understand Customer Pain Points

Strive to help customers solve problems with their businesses as well as their thermal utility systems by being a partner that understands their industries and issues.

Reflect the Voice of the Customer

Engage in value selling by going beyond what our individual products can do and encompass the value and ROI our complete, fully integrated system solutions bring to our customers.

Drive Customer Loyalty

Unleash the full power of Armstrong’s exceptional products, technology, services, and knowledge to maximize customer loyalty, share of spend, and share of mind.

Strategy Pipeline

Cultural Alignment

Dedicate efforts to providing an enjoyable experience for every customer, partner and employee of Armstrong, every single time.


Delight our customers and make their lives easier by making Armstrong the simplest, most enjoyable company to do business with.

The Right People. The Right Process.

Demonstrate our shared commitment to unwavering quality, continuous improvement, timely delivery, responsive service, and enjoyable experiences for every customer.

Importance of Branding

The rising significance of marketing in the sales cycle.

Traditionally, industrial companies have invested heavily in direct sales while relegating marketing to a lesser role in both perception and budget heft. Marketing once supported only the first 10% of the sales process, with direct sales taking over thereafter. Research has shown, however, that this landscape is changing dramatically. Customers now have access to a growing arsenal of online tools for gathering and analyzing information digitally, and they are using them. So proficiently, in fact, that today’s buyers are taking themselves through 70% of their own buying process. This reduces the burden on direct sales and expands it substantially for marketing—not only in terms of work volume, but in scope and responsibilities as well. (Source:


Standardization Supports Global Brand Value

Standardization supports global brand value.

Consistency, standardization and seamless execution are vital to ensuring continuity throughout the global Armstrong brand. Standardization around common infrastructure and corporate best practices enhances our ability to: provide consistent quality and enjoyable experiences; gain manufacturing and pricing efficiencies; and identify, track and share invaluable customer behavior information. Standardization throughout our organization improves our communications, creates shared expectations, and enhances the flow of information between our divisions and with our customers. Through our standardized, global brand, we further strengthen awareness, recognition and credibility for Armstrong International, all over the world.

Positioning as a Sage Brand

At Armstrong, our heritage of knowledge and in-depth expertise reaches back more than a century and spans the globe. The wealth of information, experience and insight we have derived enables us to serve customers in a vast and expanding range of industries, in ways no other company can. This knowledge is one of our greatest strengths and it distinctively qualifies us to position Armstrong as the true sage brand.

Our Culture

At the heart of Armstrong International is a warm and generous culture, alive with creativity, intelligence and inspiration. Here, long-held traditions are cherished, dedication and humor are embraced, and an atmosphere of mutual respect is everywhere. We work hard, we work smart, and we work together to solve our customers’ problems in new and exceptional ways. Uniquely Armstrong, our culture fosters a more productive, interactive way of thinking that enriches our ability to care for our customers, just as we do each other.

Five generations of Armstrong and Bloss family leadership have reinforced a way of doing business that’s based on a way of life, centered on faith in God, family, and business—in that order. It’s simply who we are, and it means our customers can depend on us to do the right thing for them, not just because it’s good business, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Our company is guided by one fundamental rule, in everything we do: Treat other people the way you want to be treated. With that in mind, we put real effort into building strong, lasting relationships with our customers. We’re here to make things easier, and we want working with us to be an enjoyable experience, every single time.

Armstrong International: A Company United

Our Culture Card provides a touchstone of the philosophies and beliefs that unite our company. Every Armstrong employee should carry two: one for themselves, and one to share. Printed copies of the Armstrong Culture Card can be obtained from your supervisor or divisional leader.

Armstrong Culture Card PDF Download

Company Name

Armstrong International is one global company.

The company name should be used consistently and correctly in every application, whether in an email signature, an advertisement or a business card. Always use the complete company name (Armstrong International) or the appropriate divisional name (shown below). Never include the word, “Inc.” in any communications. When writing general text, copy, emails, etc., once you have established the company by using the complete name, you may drop “International” and refer to the company as “Armstrong” in subsequent text.

Divisional Names

  1. Armstrong International

  2. Armstrong International – The Americas

    1. Armstrong International – North America
      1. Armstrong International – Steam and Condensate Group
      2. Armstrong International – Hot Water Group
      3. Armstrong International – Heat Transfer Group
      4. Armstrong International – VERIS Flow Measurement Group
      5. Armstrong International – Service
    2. Armstrong International – Latin America
  1. Armstrong International – Asia

    1. Armstrong International – India
    2. Armstrong International – China
    3. Armstrong International – China – VERIS Flow Measurement Group
    4. Armstrong International – Korea
    5. Armstrong International – Pacific Rim
  2. Armstrong International – Europe/Middle East/Africa

Brand Identity

In this section you will find the visual elements that make up the Armstrong brand. The overall look and feel of the brand is comprised of color, typography, imagery and a grid system, used in various combinations.

Please use this as a starting place for all Armstrong communications to maintain consistency across the brand.

Color Specifications

The colors that make up the Armstrong brand are listed below. In instances where white is used, it should be pure white with no tint applied.

Light Grey

R91 G92 B92
C1 M0 Y0 K64

Medium Grey 1

R58 G58 B58
C0 M0 Y0 K77

Medium Grey 2

R63 G63 B63
C0 M0 Y0 K75

Dark Grey

R42 G42 B42
C0 M0 Y0 K84


Pantone 123 C
R231 G184 B30
C0 M20 Y87 K9
Download Color Swatches

Color Usage Example 1

Examples of how color should be used in web applications are shown below.

Color Usage Example 2

Examples of how color should be used in print applications are shown below.


Armstrong’s brand uses two typefaces (listed on the following page) in varied weights with sizes varying based on the application. As a general rule, never use anything smaller than a 9.5 pt. type size.

Typography: Typeface

Trade Gothic LT Std Extended is a bold, ultrawide typeface used for headlines and should always be used in all caps. There are two versions available for use, regular and bold. Regular should be used when readability is not an issue.

Proxima Nova combines modern proportions with a geometric appearance for use with all non-headline copy. There are several weights available and size specification will vary based on application.



Proxima Nova|


Typography: Usage

Although the rules for typography usage depend on the application, the size relationships listed below should serve as a guideline and starting point for correct sizing proportions.

Headline Primary


Headline Secondary

Headlines 2

Headline Subheads / Body Copy


Imagery: Style & Composition

Follow these guidelines when choosing stock imagery or shooting photography to be used in Armstrong communications. Images should be simple and expansive in composition, and bold and intriguing in style. In order to work across multiple communication formats, photos should have plenty of white space around the focal point of the image. This will ensure that overlaid typography, responsive interactive sizing and mood are maintained without sacrificing the intent of the image. Scroll to see individual industry-specific images.

Hydrocarbon/Chemical Image Example

Food & Beverage Image Example

Hospitality Image Example

Pharmaceutical Image Example

Higher Education Image Example

Healthcare Image Example

Brand Applications

In this section, you will find examples of how the Armstrong brand should be applied in various situations. Refer to this visual guide whenever creating Armstrong materials.

If you have questions regarding additional applications not shown here, please contact your regional marketing team.

Print Collateral

Print Advertising

Digital Advertising





Email Signatures

Letterhead/Business Cards

Trade Show Displays

Trade Show Displays 2

PowerPoint Presentations

Download a variety of PowerPoint templates to choose from, including general brand and industry-specific options. Download PowerPoint Presentations


Below is a recently produced video for an Armstrong product. This is an example of the level of quality we should always strive for when creating video content.


Wearables – Divisions

Below are examples of how an Armstrong division title should be placed on a wearable item. Use these as a reference for selecting appropriate color schemes, printing and placement. Be sure to follow the color guidelines listed in the Brand Identity section of this site.

Product Tags and Stamping

Product tags should follow the example displayed below. As tag inventory expires, tags should be redesigned to conform to this standard. Consult with your regional marketing team for proper layout and formatting. If the physical specifications of a tag do not match the example shown, contact your regional marketing team for the proper layout and formatting adaptations to accommodate that specific tag.

For products that are stamped, scroll to the following page.

Product Stamps

Below are examples of how the Armstrong identity should be stamped onto products. The size and scale of the part will determine which branding elements should be included.

Whenever the part is large enough to accommodate it, include the Armstrong mono logo with both the “A” symbol and wordmark, as well as the website url, For midsize parts or parts with a smaller area that can be stamped, use only the Armstrong mono logo with both the “A” symbol and wordmark. On parts that are very small, “ARMSTRONG” in a standard san-serif font can be used alone, without the “A” symbol.

QR Codes

QR codes are .5” high and reside in a box that is 2” wide by .65” high. Align the QR code to the left side of the box interior, leaving equal space on the left side, top and bottom. Copy that explains where the QR code directs the user should be placed to the right of the QR code, inside the box. Use the typeface Proxima Nova Regular in size 8.

Align the QR code to the bottom right of the document, when possible. Place above the footer, if the page has one.

Use black or Armstrong Grey as a color for QR code items. All elements should be the same color. For a QR code placed on a dark background, add a white background to the interior of the box to ensure that the text and code are readable.

QR Code Use – Example 1

QR Code Use – Example 2

QR Code Use – Example 3

Brand Voice

Strengthen and support our global brand by consistently writing in the Armstrong voice.

Use our brand voice as a baseline whenever you write content for brochures, ads, product descriptions, PowerPoint presentations, social media updates, videos, eBlasts or any other materials or communications.

Tone and Style

All communications should be considered an opportunity to reinforce Armstrong’s unique positioning as a sage brand, and they should always align with our company culture and values. Our company materials and communications must be intelligent, articulate and grammatically correct, and written in a tone that conveys approachability as well as professionalism. Make your points using complete statements, clear descriptions and terms that are easily understood by your largest possible audience. For a general example of the established Armstrong voice, refer to the primary pages of our global website.

Contractions, slang or colloquialisms.

Contractions are optional and may be used according to preference. However, slang and colloquialisms should be avoided, especially in any material that will be presented in various languages or multiple areas of the world.

Industry jargon and acronyms.

Include jargon and acronyms wherever appropriate, but avoid using them excessively to ensure readability. Always define an acronym with the first use.

Example: Armstrong Global Holding (AGH) is the parent company of Armstrong International. AGH is headquartered in Stuart, Florida.

Product Name Usage

Always use correct product names, exactly as specified, whenever referring to any of Armstrong’s branded products or services. This includes appropriate capitalization as well as any registration (®) or trademarks (™).

Correct: SAGE™ works seamlessly with all of our real-time monitoring products, including The Brain®.

Incorrect: Sage™ works seamlessly with the Brain®.

Incorrect: SAGE works seamlessly with The Brain.

Product Names – Registered Trademarks

Armstrong University®
Cool Fog®
Double Duty®
Intelligent System Solutions®
Knowledge Not Shared is Energy Wasted®
Pressure Fog®
Armstrong Pressure Fog® (China only)
SAGE Owl Design (Logo Only)®
Steam QM® (example: Steam QM®-1)
The Brain®

Product Names – Trademarks

Armstrong+Combitherm Industrial Heat Pump
Low Boy™

*Registration application pending.

Basic Style Guidelines

Maintaining consistency strengthens the credibility of your message and enhances the overall professionalism of all Armstrong materials.

Using capitalization.

When using English, do not capitalize common (improper) nouns for emphasis. In text, capitalize the first word in a sentence, proper nouns (names of people, places or brands), and exact product names.

In headlines, subheads and other headings and titles, capitalize words according to Armstrong brand standards for typography. Where these standards do not apply, follow the generally accepted rules of capitalization (See The Gregg Reference Manual for details).

When to use “and” or ampersand (&).

In text, spell out the word “and” instead of using an ampersand. In headlines, subheads, titles, etc., you have the option of using either “and” or “&,” but whichever you choose, apply it consistently throughout the document.

Using exclamation points.

Use exclamation points rarely or never. If you think your sentence needs more impact, rewrite it.

Spaces following a period.

Use one space after a period at the end of a sentence—not two.

Gender-neutral terms.

Using gender-neutral terms is preferred. Avoid referring to a specific gender or using gender-specific pronouns unless your audience is very small and you are certain it contains only members of one gender. (This section does not refer to languages that use a grammatical gender system.)

Social Media

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media platforms can be effective communication tools that allow you to easily share information and interact with both existing and potential customers. Armstrong employees are encouraged to use social media options, as appropriate. Before participating in social media as an Armstrong employee or representative, please download and read the Employee Social Media Policy.

Reference Sources

There are differences in grammatical styles and certain references sources may be more appropriate or helpful, depending on situation. The style(s) adopted by Armstrong International should be used consistently by everyone, with appropriate variations for different languages. Recommended English resources are listed below.

AP Stylebook
Available from: AP Style Book
Overview of AP press release format: Wikihow

The Gregg Reference Manual
Current edition, 2015—The Gregg Reference Manual: A Manual of Style, Grammar, Usage, and Formatting Tribute Edition: Tribute Edition / Edition 11
Available from:
Barnes and Noble

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary
Current edition, 2015—Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 11th Edition

Online dictionaries for quick lookup:
Oxford English Dictionary

Corporate Templates

This section contains a variety of corporate templates that are available for your convenience.

Please download and use them whenever you create Armstrong assets to ensure that we maintain a consistent global brand identity throughout our organization.

Video Guidelines

We realize that video is a very content-specific medium, so there are no strict guidelines for Armstrong videos. However, to maintain consistency across the brand, we have provided intro and outro templates with instructions for use, available for download below. Please be sure to insert them at the beginning and end of your video edit.

Download Video Intro/Outro Templates

Desktop Email Signature

Please select and copy the text in the box below, then paste it into the email signature form field of your desktop program or Web application as a template for your signature. If the program or Web app allows you to choose a font, Arial is the best san-serif font alternative to Proxima Nova, which is our standard. For the Armstrong International type, Georgia Bold is the closest serif option. Note: Only employees with a company-issued cell phone are required to include their cell number.

Mobile Email Signature

Please select and copy the text in the box below, then paste it into the email signature form field of your mobile device as a template for your on-the-go signature. If your device or application allows you to choose a font, Arial is the best san-serif font alternative to Proxima Nova, which is our standard. Note: Only employees with a company-issued cell phone are required to include their cell number.

Out-of-Office Message

Whenever you plan to be out of the office, be sure to set up an automated email response using the following as a template. Select and copy the text below, then paste it into your email program. Insert specific information into the indicated areas to customize appropriately.


Download a variety of PowerPoint templates to choose from, including general brand and industry-specific options. Download Presentation Templates

Product Literature Cover

Download Product Literature Cover

Catalog Page Design

Download Catalog Page Template

Other Documents

For other documents not listed in this section, please contact your regional marketing team to help you get started.

Marketing Roles and Responsibilities

Armstrong’s global marketing strategy is supported by regional marketing teams in North America, China, India, Korea and Europe/Middle East/Africa. For the most efficient response, be sure to contact the appropriate team member, as indicated in the chart on the following page.

Regional Marketing Team

Global Marketing

Jeff Nowicki

Director of Global Marketing

Marketing – North America

David Walsh

North American Marketing Manager

Nick Ashbay

Marketing Content Coordinator

Jamie Bloss

Marketing Coordinator

Amber Edson


Jenni Piper

Outbound Marketing Coordinator

Marketing – EMEA

Tracy Targnion

Marketing & Communications Coordinator

Marketing – India

Raja Anantham

Marketing Manager

Marketing – China

Lucy Lv

Marketing Manager

Marketing – Korea

Mi Lee Choi

Marketing Specialist

The Armstrong Global Brand

The Armstrong Global Brand was last updated: 04/17/2019

Strategy Pipeline was last updated: 04/17/2019

Strategy Pipeline was last updated: 04/18/2019

Strategy Pipeline was last updated: 04/18/2019

Strategy Pipeline was last updated: 05/02/2019

Importance of Branding was last updated: 04/10/2019

Standardization Supports Global Brand Value was last updated: 01/13/2016

Positioning as a Sage Brand was last updated: 01/13/2016

Our Culture was last updated: 06/05/2019

Corporate Name

Company Name was last updated: 01/13/2016

Divisional Names was last updated: 06/06/2019

Logo and Tagline

Logo and Tagline was last updated: 01/13/2016

Primary Logo was last updated: 01/13/2016

Mono Logo on Dark Background 1 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Mono Logo on Dark Background 2 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Mono Logo on Light Background was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example was last updated: 01/28/2016

Incorrect Use Example 2 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 3 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 4 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 5 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 6 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 7 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 8 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 9 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 10 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Incorrect Use Example 11 was last updated: 01/13/2016

Tagline Usage was last updated: 04/24/2019

Print Usage was last updated: 01/13/2016

Print Example 1 was last updated: 04/24/2019

Print Example 2 was last updated: 04/24/2019

Web Usage was last updated: 01/13/2016

Web Example 1 was last updated: 04/24/2019

Web Example 2 was last updated: 04/24/2019

Brand Identity

Brand Identity was last updated: 01/13/2016

Color Specifications was last updated: 01/13/2016

Color Usage Example 1 was last updated: 03/08/2019

Color Usage Example 2 was last updated: 06/20/2019

Typography was last updated: 01/13/2016

Typography: Typeface was last updated: 01/13/2016

Typography: Usage was last updated: 01/13/2016

Imagery: Style & Composition was last updated: 06/05/2019

Hydrocarbon/Chemical Image Example was last updated: 04/10/2019

Food & Beverage Image Example was last updated: 04/10/2019

Hospitality Image Example was last updated: 04/10/2019

Pharmaceutical Image Example was last updated: 04/10/2019

Higher Education Image Example was last updated: 04/10/2019

Healthcare Image Example was last updated: 04/10/2019

Brand Applications - correct

Brand Applications was last updated: 01/13/2016

Print Collateral was last updated: 04/23/2019

Print Advertising was last updated: 04/24/2019

Digital Advertising was last updated: 03/08/2019

Websites was last updated: 04/10/2019

Microsites/Apps was last updated: 04/23/2019

Eblasts was last updated: 01/13/2016

Email Signatures was last updated: 01/13/2016

Letterhead/Business Cards was last updated: 04/23/2019

Trade Show Displays was last updated: 04/10/2019

Trade Show Displays 2 was last updated: 04/10/2019

PowerPoint Presentations was last updated: 06/26/2019

Video was last updated: 04/15/2016

Wearables was last updated: 01/13/2016

Wearables – Divisions was last updated: 01/13/2016

Product Tags and Stamping was last updated: 01/13/2016

Product Stamps was last updated: 01/26/2017

QR Codes was last updated: 02/02/2017

QR Code Use – Example 1 was last updated: 02/02/2017

QR Code Use – Example 2 was last updated: 02/02/2017

QR Code Use – Example 3 was last updated: 02/02/2017

Brand Voice

Brand Voice was last updated: 01/13/2016

Tone and Style was last updated: 01/13/2016

Product Name Usage was last updated: 01/13/2016

Product Names – Registered Trademarks was last updated: 12/07/2021

Product Names – Trademarks was last updated: 12/07/2021

Basic Style Guidelines was last updated: 01/13/2016

Social Media was last updated: 01/13/2016

Reference Sources was last updated: 01/13/2016

Corporate Templates

Corporate Templates was last updated: 01/13/2016

Video Guidelines was last updated: 01/13/2016

Desktop Email Signature was last updated: 04/26/2016

Mobile Email Signature was last updated: 04/26/2016

Out-of-Office Message was last updated: 02/05/2016

PowerPoint was last updated: 06/26/2019

Letterhead was last updated: 06/05/2019

Product Literature Cover was last updated: 06/05/2019

Catalog Page Design was last updated: 06/05/2019

I.O.M. Manuals was last updated: 06/05/2019

Other Documents was last updated: 02/02/2016

Marketing Roles and Responsibilities was last updated: 06/05/2019

Regional Marketing Team was last updated: 03/23/2020


Available Downloads was last updated: 03/20/2020